Writing for
A safe space to gather, speak your truth, and have it heard
Click here to listen to a discussion on connecting to your intuitive wisdom on the Your Not Too F*cking Old podcast with Jen Marples.
Click here to listen to a discussion on overcoming the inner critic on the We Are More Than Menopause podcast.
This writing program offers creative community for women who enjoy writing or just need the time and space to relax and reconnect. It is time for self-care and self-reflection, time to clarify your needs and find your own answers. We offer women the emotional and creative safety to speak their truth—because (no matter how you feel about your own writing) the truth is always powerful.
We call it writing "time" because that's what it is, time and space to write and just be. Our women's writing time is just like our girls' writing time in that we use the Amherst Writing Method to create a safe, supportive environment.
For those who haven't written with us before, we start by reading aloud from some sort of carefully-chosen inspirational writing—quotes, poems and/or story excerpts—after which we write off-screen for 30-45 minutes. We offer writing "prompts" (ideas) to get you started, but you're free to write about whatever you want, whatever comes up in the moment. You're also welcome to work on a preexisting project or whatever you need more support on. While there are no "rules" to this kind of writing, we do follow these basic philosophical guidelines, based on the Amherst Writing Method:
We are all writers and storytellers with our own unique voice.
Don't think. Just write. Trust that whatever comes out is what needs to come out.
When we share, we treat all writing as a work of art and give only positive feedback, sharing what we liked or loved, what stood out for us, what moved us, what felt authentic and strong.
What's shared here, stays here.
We treat our own stories with the same compassion and support we offer everyone else.
We trust our own intuitive wisdom, the wisdom we access when we write!
As we always tell our girls, if you don't love the experience, you never have to do it again! Just try it once and see if you like it. We also cap group size at 6, so everyone gets ample time for sharing and feedback.
We meet once a month, with different days and times for different time zones.
Women's writing is sliding scale, from $30-90/class. All proceeds fund scholarships for our girls' programs. The more you can give, the more you support our mission and vision for girls and gender-expansive youth.
If you're interested in attending this month, we ask that you email Elizabeth at least 24 hours in advance (to make sure there's still an opening) and then Venmo us @IntuitiveWritingProject to secure your seat.
*Women includes all those who identify with the female experience.