Writing Inspiration for Girls
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Teenagers in Nature

Just for Girls*

*The word "girl" is meant to include gender-expansive youth which includes trans girls, non-binary youth, gender non-conforming youth, gender queer youth and any girl-identified youth. Everyone who wants to write with us is warmly welcome!

Star Cluster

to your
own space!

Dear You,


In the same way that the world has been biased toward cis men (over women and non-binary people), it's also biased toward adults (over young people). I am here to help counter both biases.  It has been my experience that girls and gender-expansive youth are the most intelligent, insightful, intuitive, creative, courageous, spiritually conscious, and visionary people on the planet—and I have dedicated my life to making sure the world listens to you and trusts your voice. But first (as a woman still trying to reclaim my own voice), we have to listen and trust ourselves. As you will see below, this page offers writing prompts for you to connect to your own wisdom. I hope they help you to see what I see, that you are Magic.

With love and sisterhood,


Pink Flowers Blossom

The Power of a Writing Prompt

"If I’ve learned nothing else, I’ve learned this:  a question is a powerful thing, a mighty use of words."
— Krista Tippett


I believe that writing is self-empowering, that writing connects us to our own wisdom and helps us find our own answers. But sometimes life is so overwhelming, it's hard to know where to start. That's when we need a writing prompt.

A writing prompt is like a question you ask yourself.
When you write, your intuition/soul/higher-self answers you. It's amazing and mysterious but it happens. Writing is how we remember the things we didn't know we knew.

If you
email me a question you're grappling with, something you're stuck on or trying to figure out, I will send you (and post here) a writing prompt so you can use it (and everyone can use it, because we're more alike than we're different) to connect to your own power and solve your own problem.

Even if you doubt it's possible, try it anyway. The Magic is inside of you—and you will find it when you write

Questions + Prompts
(Writing to find your own answers!)

Letter to a Young Woman*

(This letter was inspired by the book Letters to a Young Poet by Rainer Maria Rilke. I wrote this in 2012, back when I was still creating this program and full of fear—and needing courage.)

I remember how hard it was. I remember the pressure and the fear and the way I lost myself. It is because of you that I’ve launched The Intuitive Writing Project. It belongs to you. It belongs to all young women. It is for you to write and to speak and to express the things that have been building inside you for a million years.

I want you to know how important you are, the indescribable importance of everything you think and feel and write and say. Now, more than ever, the world needs the wisdom of women, young and old together, all women together, declaring what we know to be true.

I also want you to know what it’s taken me a lifetime to learn, to know that you are brilliant and brave and can always trust yourself. I want you to know that everything you need is already inside you. I want you to know that your intuition is wisdom. And the next time you’re talking with friends about a decision, I hope you will remind each other of this, that you will ask: what’s your intuition say?

Most of all, I want you to know that your intuition will always tell the truth and that you will always be able to hear it—through your heart and your body and the words you write on paper.

With unconditional love,


Additional Resources

If you'd like to try one of our free intro classes, contact me here. If you're struggling and need someone to talk to NOW, consider reaching out to one of these amazing orgs:

YouthLine:  A teen crisis helpline with teen-to-teen support

Lines for Life: Crisis hotline + mental health services, available 24/7

The Trevor Project:  A crisis line for LGBTQ+ youth

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